The Abundance and Diversity of Grasshopper (Orthoptera) in Batu City, East Java


  • Mufti Abrori Brawijaya University
  • Amin Setyo Leksono
  • zulfaidah Penata Gama



Grasshopper, Orthoptera, Diversity, Batu City


Grasshoppers included in the order Orthoptera in the class of insects. Orthoptera orders are divided into two parts, which a large suborder Ensifera and Caelifera. Most grasshopper species have a role as herbivores and a good protein source for other animals. Grasshopper abundance and diversity of ecosystems are more stable in a low disorder and the other way around. The factors that affect grasshoppers which environmental factors such as the structure of the vegetation, atmospheric temperature, and relative humidity. The purpose of this study to analyze the abundance and diversity of grasshoppers in Batu City, East Java. The research location is in Tahura R. Soerjo Cangar, an agricultural area in Sumbergondo Village, Coban Talun, and Junrejo District. Measurement of biotic and abiotic factors was carried out at the grasshoppers living locations, and then the data were analyzed using the Shannon Wiener Diversity index (H'), Importance Value Index (INP), and Biplot analysis. The results were obtained as 754 individual grasshoppers from the Caelifera suborder. While 201 individuals were found in the Ensifera suborder. The results showed that the highest grasshopper abundance was at the Sumbergondo location, which for the Caelifera. While Ensifera on Tahura R. Soerjo Cangar location had the highest grasshopper abundance. The vegetation area influences abundance and diversity of grasshoppers both in the two suborders. The reduction of the grasshopper's natural habitat harms the survival of the grasshopper. Environmental factors and their characteristics can influence the abundance and diversity of insects, including grasshoppers in a habitat

Author Biography

Mufti Abrori, Brawijaya University

Master Student, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Brawijaya


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How to Cite

Abrori, M., Leksono, A. S., & Gama, zulfaidah P. (2021). The Abundance and Diversity of Grasshopper (Orthoptera) in Batu City, East Java. Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology, 9(1), 19–26.


